When I was a little girl, I wanted to be an astronaut and go to the Moon.
Now, at the grand old age of 41, I do what’s closest to this – I celebrate the Moon and its power every month, in a circle of beautiful, unique, powerful women.
And this morning on my walk, the Moon was with me, looking at me, protecting me, shining Her light (even if it’s not her own) down on me and the world, and reminding me once more of Her power, showing me the way, confirming I’m on the right path.
My heart is singing and swelling from the experience that Amanda and I created last night at our Full Moon Women’s Circle and from the pride I feel about having made the commitment of showing up for her, our circle, the Moon and myself every single month since May.
And now we are planning our very first one-day Women’s Retreat!!!
Providing women with a community they can rely on every month, and every day in between Full Moons through our Facebook secret group, and now also a retreat, so that they can express themselves and feel safe in the container we create in our beautiful, magical yurt – that’s what I was put on this earth for.
Not to walk on the Moon and wave to Earth, but rather walk on Earth and wave to the Moon and use her power to ignite fire and passion and a sense of community in women.
There is no way I could have done this without Amanda, my friend, colleague and true Soul Sister. Thank you Amanda.
As I feel the excitement today, I also feel the tiredness from holding the space last night and so remind myself that I also need to create a safe space for myself every day, to just be. And this usually means resting and reading.
If you would like to book onto our Women’s Retreat on Saturday 24th February, the early bird price of £99 ends on Wednesday 31st January at 9.00pm, so hurry up 🙂 You can book here.
If you would like to book onto our Full Moon Women’s Circle on Thursday 1st February, it is £16 and you can book here.