Last night in our Full Moon women’s circle, we talked about Artemis (aka Diana), medicine, voice and the throat chakra (and all the chakras, really).
I have never felt so many emotions or had so many thoughts in circle.
There were 14 of us and we all recognised ourselves in each other’s stories.
I certainly heard a piece of my story in each woman’s story.
We activated our voices, we sang, we shared our stories, we shared our pain, we shared our joy, we shared poems, we listened to others’ songs, others’ stories, others’ poems.
The whole time, I think about my daughters. How crucial this work is. How fundamental sharing in circle is.
The whole time, I wonder why I am not being my highest self at all times.
The whole time, I wonder how I’m going to do all the work I have to do on this earth.
The whole time, I feel I am running out of time.
The whole time, I feel responsible for the next generation.
The whole time, I wonder how I can help my daughters more and better.
The whole time, I wonder how I can help these women’s daughters.
The whole time, I wonder how I can help the world heal.
The whole time, I wonder how we can prevent so much pain in the next generation.
The whole time, I wonder if I have inflicted that much pain onto my daughters already.
Unknowingly, unwittingly, despite doing my best at all times.
The whole time, I am SCARED.
The whole time, I wonder if my own daughters will be in circle talking about me in the terms we talk about our own parents and families in this circle.
The whole time, I wonder if this is how it is for everyone, the world over, part of the human condition, no matter what we do, no matter how we are with and what we say to our children.
The whole time, I want to hide, I want to talk, I want to shout, I want to stay silent, I want to think, I want to meditate, I want to just be, I want to cry.
And I cry.
And I laugh.
And I sing.
And I hear my voice.
And I hear the neediness in it.
And I feel the shame.
I want to hide again today. In shame. In fear. In tears.
Women, I want to help you.
Women, I want to help myself.
Women, I want to help my daughters.
Women, I want to help your daughters.
Women, I want these powerful tears and laughter to be shared every night.
This is the real stuff.
This is what real, deep, meaningful life is made of.
Real women sharing, being, crying, feeling, singing, laughing, smiling, understanding, hearing.
Raw women.
Raw feelings.
Raw voices.
You too have a voice.
Come in circle and share it.
It is the first step to being heard in the world.
I want this for you
I want this for all girls
I want this for all women
The world over
Come to circle
You have a voice
That wants to be heard
That deserves to be heard
That needs to be heard
You matter
Your voice matters
Come to circle